Saturday, May 21, 2011

Language lament

When did we allow new words to complicate our English language? When did "memorize" replace "learn" or "remember", "have a dialogue" replace "talk" and what does "normalize" mean?
Why did we allow it?
Is it that American-speak became cool? And if so, why are schools who use a British curriculum using such words in the classroom?
Call me archaic, but every time I see or hear these words, and there are many more than I cite here, I cringe.
I long for the time when English is simplified again.
Question is, will it ever be?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Power of Thank You

Consider those two short words, and the power they hold.
Have you ever done something for someone, either spontaneously or upon request, only to receive no word of thanks? How did that make you feel? Used, taken for granted, pissed off? And yet, imagine how you would have felt if those two little words, thank and you,  had reached your ears. Elated, ready to help again, right?
Never forget their power. Use them always. Sincerely, of course. And you will be rewarded with thanks in return.
Thank you for reading.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Now I know that we all tell little white lies every now and then, and my Point of Prue on this is, that a little white lie, every now and then, is a good thing; but only when used judiciously. It can protect the innocent. It can boost a soul. It can prevent unpleasant incidents. It can be very useful.

However, I do have to say that lying is bad. There is no way out once you start. One lie leads to another. And that other leads to yet another. And very soon you are living in a totally unreal world and you have to be very, very, smart to remember what lies you have told and to whom, so that you can perpetuate them. And there is no way back.

It is better never to have told the first lie.