Monday, October 24, 2011

Money - root of all ills?

Why is our society so concerned about money? Why do money worries consume some people until they are made ill or, worse, end their lives? Why does one bemoan that one never has enough, when one quite likely does? How many ads can one read about financial security, children's education funds, retirement funds, before one starts to become agitated?
I read about a lady who gave up everything, gave away everything, to travel the world bartering and working to survive; a new meaning to living hand to mouth. And she is perfectly happy.
Of course, she no longer has responsibilities, commitments, dependents. But to know she has lived happily like this for over 10 years, had me thinking.
It had me happy, for a short while, that it is possible.
And then it had me depressed and stressed again.
For I have worried about money, or the lack thereof, ever since I was a teenager.
We want to better ourselves and our families. And money talks.
I read a quote today that summed up how our materialistic society is hurting us:
‎"Don’t let making a living prevent you from making a life." — John Wooden
I wish it weren't so.


  1. It's not so much money that's the problem; it's the wanting to have things which underlies the money. These days it's not so easy to get 'stuff' if you don't have the money to buy it.

    Also, instant gratification has superceded the idea of saving up and waiting. Why wait if you can have it now? The fact that being in debt is the result seems not to bother many people.

    And we are persuaded that 'I buy therefore I am' is the way to be. All that advertising and media hype.

    Money is the root of all evil is not a view I accept. Peoples' attitudes are at the bottom of all evil.

    Phew! That's for letting me get that one off my chest :D

  2. Sorry...that should read 'thanks for letting me get that off my chest'.
    It's been a long day :)

  3. Thanks for your Point of Prue, Prue ! So happy to see another Prue - spelt my way too. Welcome to my blog.
