Call me crazy, or inspired.
I am going to fly from the humid, sweaty tropics to the cold, windy delights of Paris and London for the two weeks leading up to Christmas.
Excitement has set in and it is now, as I write this, only two weeks before takeoff.
I am picturing a light dusting of snow over the rooftops.
Scarves, gloves, boots and wooly hats.
Hot chocolate at a pavement cafe.
And oh the lights! Lights and Christmas decorations everywhere.
Tinsel and glitter. Baubles and trinkets.
Shop windows warm and inviting, full of prettily wrapped presents, green and red.
Cheerful folk, noses red, a spring in their step.
But I must control my excitement and curb my dreaming, lest reality disappoints.
While I am there, I plan to take a photographic journal and jot down notes about everything I see.
I want to capture my emotions, the smells, the feel of new textures.
Bon voyage, bonne vacances to all and I'll be back on Boxing Day, revived, refreshed and very, very homesick.