Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I have always wondered what a collection of kittens is called - today I found out : a kendle or kindle of kittens.

Actually, a check with an authority on the subject of collective nouns reveals a few terms, beyond the obvious litter, and some for cats and wild cats too. Have a gander -
doutofcats (house cats)
nuisanceofcats (house cats)
kendleofcats (kittens)
kindleofcats (kittens)
litterofcats (kittens)
destructionofcats (wild cats)
 I think they are so appropriate - a clutter of cats, a destruction of cats - wonderful terms. The only one I have issue with is 'a nuisance of cats'  - and for house cats at that! How can house cats possibly be a nuisance? Only if their human guardians are neglectful would they be a nuisance, imho.

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