Saturday, April 16, 2011


I guess the time has come for me to lay down my Point of Prue on this subject. Timely cos there was an article in today's paper talking about the suffering a little child was going through with divorced parents. As my opinion is so far off this, I felt I had to share it.

Firstly, let me say that I disagree wholeheartedly with parents who resolve to “stay together” for the sake of the children. The children are not fooled; they know when their parents have stopped being a loving couple. They pick up on the hostile environment. They worry who they should side with, or who they should try to protect. They worry about things that kids should not have to worry about, just because they are, often, asked not to. And, in a violent environment, well that wrong scenario should be obvious to anyone. 

Yes, it will be painful for the kids once the divorce happens, but at least they are free from the trap that a loveless home has them in. Free to repair the damage of the heart, the soul and the senses. 
So set them free.

Secondly, I say that any woman staying in a home where there is no love is doing no service to herself. She may feel the martyr. She will eventually come to abhor that role. 
She may feel like a one-man show, running the household and the family. She will also come to resent that role. She must eventually sort for herself that, after the initial readjustment period, she will be a happier soul once set free.

Yes – I could be biased! But I am biased from seeing this from not just my own family, but many others too. Divorce is difficult. But denial is worse, all round.

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